Introduction of Apollo
The only God who can bless mankind with everlasting youth. He was the God of light, truth, (prophecy), medicine and Art. He was considered one of the most beautiful and talented male youths in Olympus. He is also the protector of young men. Only Apollo can bestow everlasting youth and was gifted with it. His symbol was the Raven and the Laurel Tree. His favourite musical instrument was the Lyre. Apollo is an expert in archery.
History of Apollo
Leto the gentle giant had twins for Zeus but she was constantly persecuted by Hera Zeus’s wife. She found sanctuary on the rocky island of Delos where she gave birth to Apollo and his twin sister Artemis. The island became sacred to Leto and Apollo gave it to her. In order to prove himself he slew the serpent Python and founded the first prophetic counsel and temple in Delphi and taught prophetess Themis the art of prophecy.
He taught each of the nine Muses the different arts from Comedy to Tragedy honoured them on Mt. Helicon, which was rumoured to be the first museum. He may have helped founded the first Olympic Games and may have been the first Champion to be awarded the laurel crown of leaves.
Apollo wasn’t always fortunate with love and his heart was always broken. He fell in love with a forest nymph called Daphne. She was afraid of him and she prayed to other Gods hide her and they turned her permanently into a Laurel Tree and this is why he made the tree sacred. He also had an apprentice called Hyacinthus but he accidently struck his head with a disk killing him instantly so he turned his body into beautiful flowers called Hyacinths.
Apollo won heart of a mortal woman called Coronis and she gave him a son Asclepius. He was the only mortal to rival Apollo in medicine. It was even rumoured that he can raise the dead. Zeus as a request from his brother Hades killed Asclepius with a Lightning bolt. In retaliation Apollo slew the entire race of Cyclops loyal to Zeus. As punishment to redeem him of this act he had to build, fortify the city Troy. He also had to construct large walls and Poseidon was sent to inspect them. He thought the prophetess Cassandra the gift of prophecy but for not returning his love for her he took it away so that no one would ever believe her prophecy of the destruction of Troy.
Introduction of Artemis
Artemis was beautiful it wasn’t the sun showed her beauty it was the moon. She was the protector of young women and was always determined to maintain her chastity from all men. She was Apollo’s rival in archery and enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. All living things she protects except men and was rumoured to have been influence of the terrible race of the Amazons (warrior women). The deer or stag was her symbol.
History of Artemis
In one of Artemis’s sacred forests Actaeon a hunter was the only man to see Artemis and appreciate her beauty but when the Goddess noticed she was spied open she took her arrow and bow and shot him in the back as he tried to flee. Death would have been merciful but he was turned into stag and he was slaughtered by his own dogs.
The only man that won the Goddess heart was Orion. He nearly rivalled her as a hunter. Orion angered Apollo in a previous encounter so the God sent a giant Scorpion after him. Orion evaded the creature by diving into the sea. Apollo challenged Artemis to shoot a target which was Orion’s head but she did not know. When she shot him it was too late as Orion’s dead body washed ashore. She placed his body in the stars and the Scorpion that persecuted him to let everyone knows what Apollo did.
Legacy of Apollo & Artemis
Some nations of the Amazons were loyal to Artemis but others were dedicated to Hera and Aries. Artemis had no children but provided protection and guidance for mothers and all creatures giving birth. It is even said that she provided quick mercy mothers who could never recover from giving birth. She demanded for all her disciples to maintain their chastity. Callisto one of her disciples was seduced by Zeus and was with a child. Artemis noticed this she turned Callisto into bear and began to hunt her she prayed to Zeus for protection and he put her and honoured her among the stars. Apollo had many lovers and children and most of children and adopted children were very talented. Apollo and Artemis were always confused with the Sun God Helios and the Moon Goddess Selene. Since temperature influence health they were introduced and being maintained leading figures as Olympian Gods.
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